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The CMS regional office determines a facility’s eligibility to participate in the Medicare program based on the State’s certification of compliance and a facility’s compliance with civil rights requirements. New York State regulations require that a hospitalized patient who is on Medicaid and no longer needs inpatient hospital care, but requires nursing home care, be placed in the first available bed within 50 miles of the patient's home. By telling the hospital which nursing homes to apply to, you or your family can influence the location of your eventual placement. Visit the New York State Nursing Home Profile to obtain information on nursing homes in New York State and the quality of care they provide. The care the nursing homes provide can also be compared on the Federal Medicare website .

You should familiarize yourself with these specifics based on your own personal situation. Most nursing homes require full financial disclosure from residents who will be paying privately. Since many nursing home residents who enter as private pay residents eventually exhaust their funds and go on Medicaid, the nursing home wants to know how long you will be able to pay privately and when to apply for Medicaid. Once you are eligible for Medicaid, you have the right to have Medicaid pay for your care .
Medical Need and Admission
Other investigations will be conducted by the Complaint Resolution Unit comprised of clinical professionals who will contact the facility to obtain medical records facility records and other information to determine the outcome of the investigation. NYS DOH operates a Nursing Home Complaint Hotline to receive complaints about nursing home care in New York State. The Hotline is staffed by clinical professionals who provide specific information about callers' concerns.

CMS may then impose, modify or waive the recommended fine, often based on the facility’s cooperation in addressing deficiencies cited. Long-term care surveys are typically conducted on weekdays although survey teams can and have conducted inspections at night, on weekends and during holidays. The facility's policies regarding bed-hold periods, which must be consistent with subparagraph of this paragraph, permitting a resident to return. Transfer or discharge shall also be permissible when the facility discontinues operation and has received approval of its plan of closure in accordance with subdivision of Section 401.3 of this Subchapter. The facility shall advise each member of the staff of his or her responsibility to understand, protect and promote the rights of each resident as enumerated in this section. Some nursing homes' moral or religious philosophy may conflict with your wishes about Advance Directives.
Long-Term Care Facilities
The right to decide about treatment also includes the right to decide about cardiopulmonary resuscitation . You and your doctor should decide in advance whether or not you want resuscitation measures taken. If you wish, the doctor will give the medical staff a "Do Not Resuscitate" order. In accordance with the New York Health Care Proxy Law, adults may appoint someone they trust to decide about medical treatment should they become unable to decide on their own.

Samples of specific areas of care reviewed include resident rights, access to care, activities, assessment and care plans, health care and dietary services, housekeeping, staffing, quality of care and quality assurance. The Department’s evaluation may include an inspection of medical records, observation of resident care, inspection of all areas of the nursing home, and interviews of residents, family members, staff or other individuals. The Department also may evaluate the quality of resident care through an analysis of statistical data reported by nursing homes or by a review of reportable event information or other notices filed with IDPH.
About U.S. Nursing Regulatory Bodies
Complaint surveys are conducted by surveyors with expertise is the area involved in the allegations of the complaint. Permit the resident, their legal representative or health care agent the opportunity to participate in deciding where the resident will reside after discharge from the facility. The nursing home must deposit pre-payment used as a security in an interest-bearing account. If you leave the nursing home or die, any amount paid to the nursing home over and above the cost of services already provided must be refunded.

It is illegal for a nursing home to demand or accept donations (e.g., for a building fund) from family members to assure placement of a relative. Nursing homes have the opportunity to dispute survey findings and penalties imposed. Facilities may ask to discuss the accuracy of survey findings during the course of a survey or during the exit interview. Anyone, 6 months of age and older, is eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Investigators last week raided the James Square Health and Rehabilitation Centre, in Syracuse.
When this happens, the nursing home should assist you in completing the necessary paperwork. The admissions agreement is a legal agreement between you and the nursing home to outline conditions for admission. The agreement should state the costs, services included and all of your legal responsibilities as the resident. Ideally, it should also include the care to be provided , emergency procedures and standards of food service (e.g., availability of therapeutic diets, kosher diets).

NYS DOH surveyors then investigate the issue and make a determination on whether State or Federal regulations have been violated. Medicaid was established by Congress in 1965 as a government health insurance program for people of all ages whose income is too low to provide for routine health care costs, or whose health care costs are too high to be covered by their income. This health insurance covers the cost of nursing home care for as long as the care is required if an individual is eligible. If you are planning to pay for nursing home care out of your own pocket, ask for a list of services that are covered by the basic daily rate. Also ask how the rates are adjusted and how residents are notified of adjustments. Under current regulations, notification must occur in writing 30 days prior to any upward adjustment in the daily rate for a service being implemented.
Survey teams inspect and evaluate whether facilities meet the required standards and, if so, certify their success in meeting specific care standards. Facilities failing to meet the standards are subject to fine or other enforcement actions. Inform each resident of the name, office address, phone number and specialty of the physician responsible for his or her own care.

Speaking with each of these leaders should give you a good understanding of the nursing home's philosophy and operation. The Federal government now permits New York State to authorize Medicaid without an individual exhausting his/her assets if that person first purchases a long-term care insurance policy sponsored by the State. These policies must cover at least three years of long-term care, six years of home care or an equivalent combination of both. Once an individual purchases such a policy and the benefits are exhausted, that person, if income qualified, will be eligible for Medicaid payment for long-term care for the remainder of his/her life without consideration of his/her assets. Most importantly, however, whatever assets that person has will be protected and will not have to be used to meet long-term care costs. You may hear this type of insurance referred to as a "partnership" long-term care policy.
When deficiencies are alleged, the facility is given an opportunity to rebut the deficiencies. If deficiencies are cited, the Department requires the nursing home to submit a written plan of correction within 10 days detailing how and when each deficiency will be corrected. In some cases, IDPH will direct specific corrective measures that must be implemented. In situations where current conditions at the facility pose a serious risk to the health and safety of residents or staff, the Department can demand or initiate immediate corrective actions. The Department of Health oversees nursing home facilities in New York State through its Division of Nursing Homes and Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities Surveillance .

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